8 Fun Indoor Creative Activities to Engage Kids During Holidays

 8  Fun Indoor Creative Activities to Engage Kids During Holidays

The holiday season is on and so as the festive mood of children. No school, no long study hours, kids have planned to have loads of fun during this time of the year. Some of us will plan for a vacation or some will stay back at home to enjoy with friends and family. Along with the comfort of home, some of us may face challenges while dealing with kids. Children can easily get bored during not much to do days, and end up sitting Infront of television or computer, playing games for the whole day. This can be a concern for parents. Here are a few tricks and tips to engage children at home creatively without screen time.

1.  Make a daily morning routine: I know this may sound a little impractical but parents must make kids understand that a little bit of study is important on most of the days, even if they don't have school. This will help children to be in touch with studies.

2. Cooking - now this sounds fun! Most of the kids are interested in some sort of kitchen work, be it baking, or cooking or even helping with ingredients on the cooking table ( all under adult supervision though). Involving kids in the kitchen help them understand healthy food habits and also provides knowledge on healthy eating and home cooking. Quality time with family is indeed a key factor here.

3. Pretend to play pretend play is fun for younger children. You can ask your young ones if they take interest in any pretend-play characters. Buying consumes for such play could be a costly affair but moms can easily sew or DIY some costumes to make it more interesting ( believe me you don't have to be perfect at all, your kid is going to love it).

4. Learning handicrafts- this can be a little messy but don't worry mummies it's fun to be creative with your thoughts. You can share your handicraft knowledge or can look for tutorials on YouTube for reference. It gives pleasure when you make something with your kid's help.

5. Party at home- most of us are a loner and don't even remember when we have last met our friends and relatives. At times when kids are around, we can plan for a get-together with friends and family. This is a good way to socialize kids at the same time they learn the values of a relationship.

6. Gardening- some people derive happiness from gardening. Teaching a child the basics of gardening will serve a purpose for a lifetime. He would learn the cycle of a plant and will be joyful to see the plant blooming. You as a parent will see your child's eagerness to know when the plant will grow or how to take care of it. This way you can teach him good things about nature.

7. Storytelling- sometimes alone, or with friends, coming over lunch can join you for storytelling. You may fix up a session of storytelling and let your child's friends know about it. Invite them over lunch or breakfast and start with the session. This will increase a sense of bonding, better understand among kids. Remember behind every story hides a wonderful meaning.

Our aim is to educate our children about good things in our society. We aim to socialize them more as we are becoming isolated every day. Keeping kids away from the television or other gadgets is important for their health as well as the future.
With my little initiative, I shared my knowledge. Kindly comment below if you have any suggestions or ideas. Thank you all for your support.

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