Is it important to introduce current affairs to your child?

Is it really important to introduce current affairs to your child?

Children should be adapted to their surrounding but with adding certain filters to it

A couple of months ago there was tragic news regarding the terrorist attack in India. Though this was not the first time, yet this occurrence sterned a concern in me regarding is it really important to introduce current affairs and worldly happenings to our kids?

Well, when we communicate with our kids it's really important to understand their mind and think from their perspective of life. It is indeed important to keep them updated with worldly news and this helps them to understand the world as a whole. Parents and education givers are the ones who are the optimum point of communication between a child and the world. So it is our duty to introduce a better world to our children.

By saying so, I don't mean to lie to them. We should be able to bring the better and unbiased picture of the world to them so that they don't grow up timid.

Filtering the news is all that we need to do. It is indeed important for them to know what's happening around them but going into many details is not that necessary when it comes to destructive news.

When adults listen to a piece of news, it simply skips there mind within some time but for a child, every word that her parents speak is nothing less than a verse. That news penetrates her emotions an remain in her mind for years.

So focus on constructive news are better and even helpful in creating a good impact on their brain.
Topics like God, faith, good deeds, good behaviour should be encouraged. Remember how addictive we were to listen to stories when we were kids? Exactly, our kids also have the same enthusiasm. Every story we heard as kids had a moral at the end. Build up new stories every day with a moral and mix up with current affairs and depict it to your child in a way which they can relate. keep asking questions in between to hold their concentration. This will help them understand the true meaning of life and will make them a better person who has a rough knowledge of the world.

When we talk about killing, destruction, terrorism, and stuff, it becomes really difficult for them to cope up with and can create a mental agony which will be hard for kids to accept.

So filtering the news is what we can do as parents and enlighten our kids with interesting and constructive news that will introduce them to a better world.

So, please comment on this blog for your insight.


  1. It would be great if you could please share an example of such a story 😊

    1. Thanks for your feedback Rishaan. I will definitely do it for you.

  2. The blog is highly informative

  3. Very true indeed. Really required in today's world.

    1. Thanks Moupriya. It is really important to keep kids updated but the limit should be judged upon the parameter of the impact on them.

  4. Replies
    1. thank you for your feedback. Hope you will love to read what comes next.


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