Because I Love You- Eternal Bond of Mother and Child
Because I love you is a song from the Holy Bible in which my daughter performed on this Parent's Day at school |
It needs no explanation that there is no substitute for mother and child bonding. The feeling is so strong that it surpasses the power of eternity. A few days ago we celebrated Mother's Day all around the world but there can be no limitation to this celebration. Love and care and pampering a bit of short-temper is a part of our daily life when we are serving our children 24X7. It was a time when we rushed our mothers for something, it may seem silly today but when we were young those things were important to us. Now when we have stepped into the foothold of motherhood, we are being rushed every moment by our children. We have to prioritize them even before our most essential needs like sometimes using the loo.
Again at the end of the day when u are tired of the daily chores at home or after returning from work, when we receive that overwhelming gesture of love and care from our kids, every tension, stress, worries, the pain vanishes in the air all of a sudden. That smiling face, that hug and that voice which calls out loud "Mumma" is everything we need to get going.
With a little initiative to celebrate motherhood and remembering little moments from our life which is special for a mother and child, we take up an oath of sharing those moments of joy with you.
This month on we featured a similar story and got beautiful pictures which depict a story for itself.
Let's see what story they have for us:
While going to diduns bari.....#momandkids |
Indranee Banerjee
She is my childhood friend, we were classmates. A bubbly and happening girl running from one corner of the school to another. She is full of life! After a long time, we met again on Facebook. This time we were both married and now she is a mother of a beautiful daughter who is super cute too.
Love |
Susweta Goswami
We met as colleagues, initially our talks were formal but I don't remember when we become friends. We would laugh at the same joke, discuss an issue at work with important. We were neighbors as our workstations were near to each other. For me, Sushweta is an obedient girl with a soft voice and a kind heart. Now she is a mother of a cute little girl
Posing with mummy #sweet memory |
Sikha Deven
Office colleagues as we know each other initially. We were fun together when out of work. We discussed life, issues, office and everything under the sun. During those days I have learned something from her, that is to be happy with what I have. Yes, she had no complaint from life and had an ever shining smile on her face. Today she is a mother to a handsome boy who wants to follow his mother's footstep. She is working as a lawyer in India and taking care of her family.
Naynasree Das
Mumma loves u moon n back my heartbeat.. |
We met at our kid's school. My daughter and Nevaan used to go to the same school and were friends. Gradually our hi hello transformed into friendship and we became good friends. We would spend hours together waiting for our kids at school and talk about our daily fancies in life. Nayna as I call her is a person who's world revolves around her son, and I mean it. If you ask a woman who is a mother how she is too that how she is, she might talk about her how she is doing in life but Nayna will start saying that her day starts and ends with Nevaan. I truly encourage your power of motherhood.
When my two worlds met for the first time...#momandkid |
Heritha Haridas
After moving to Singapore I was literally alone as I had no friends or acquaintance. My daughter became a friend with her cutie pie Tamanna. Their friendship grew and so did ours, we became close as our interests were common. We would try a new dish together and I really enjoy her company. She is a woman who believes in women empowerment and is happy in her own world. She is a good listener and a wonderful and talented Indian classical dancer. She left her engineering career to pursue her dreams. I love the way you are!
Sudakshina Sachin
This is exactly what I asked for #momandkid |
After my daughter joined school here in Singapore, I met Sudakshina one day at school. One day a mother who is yet to understand the surrounding took her son to school. She was carrying a tiny little bubbly girl in her arms and stormed back home. Next day we shared a talk that she shifted recently and eventually we found that Heritha is our common buddy. Sudakshina keeps a clear vision of life. matured, tough and motherly is what defines her. She has a passion for silver jewelry as I have noticed her and she looks stunningly beautiful.
So with all these thoughts in mind, I tried to tell a little story about how I know you personally and what makes you special. Hope you like it and if you do then share your story with your friends and family and let me know what your t you feel through your comments.
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